Facebook Optimization Tutorial

Everyone is on Facebook and your business should be too! Your business Facebook page is often the first thing your customers or clients see, even before your website. It needs to be clear, organized, and comprehensive. Here are my best facebook optimization tips! Before we get started, its important to note that you need to be on your computer to fully optimize your Facebook. Not all settings are available on mobile.

Facebook Optimization #1: Your Facebook Header

As with websites, you have to think about both desktop and mobile views on Facebook. This can be frustrating, but no worries, that why I am going to give you the step by step guide! The Facebook page cover photo size should be 820px x 312px. However, due to the desktop version, your critical elements of your photo should be in the top portion (640px x 360px). Having these done correctly, is key to your facebook optimization.

After your set up your cover, make sure that you have the pages selected that you want to show on your site. To select and deselect pages go to settings > templates and tabs (left side). From there you can click “setting” on each tab, turn off or on, add tabs, and drag and drop into the order you desire. If you provide services, I strongly recommend having the services tab (we will discuss this down below).

The last part of the header section is editing your header button. To do this, click on the button under your cover photo. From there you can select what type of button you need and its function (see image below).

Facebook Optimization #2: Your Facebook Settings

This is probably the least fun (at least for me). You need to go through each tab and every setting. Tedious, I know, but necessary. You can get to this by clicking settings on the top right hand side of your business page.

On your about page, you are going to want to list your services with a hyperlink to your webpage! This is where you will tell your viewers what you do, why, and how you got started. Such a fun page to do! Also, don’t forget to add a footer image (1200px X 450px).

Facebook Optimization #3: Your Facebook About

Ah, this is my favorite part! You most def want this page featured. There are a few notes with the header picture, though. Its another complication between the mobile vs. computer version. Your image needs to be 1200px X 450px, However your image title (if you have one, needs to be centered on the left side, that way the text can be read on the desktop facebook page (see images below).

Facebook Optimization #4: Services Tab

If you offer services, you should list them on your facebook page. If you offer products, make sure to have the shop tab and link to your website shop page. Here is an example of how I have mine. You can also drag and drop them into the order you would like them listed in. The product images are just your standard square image.

Facebook Optimization #5: Personal Page

Finally, you want to make sure that your personal facebook page is optimized as well. Many people will visit your personal facebook to find your business page. This is especially true if you are posting in business groups.

First, edit your tagline below your name. You want it to include what you do but also who you are, to make yourself more relatable.

Next, make sure to add your business to your work section, link it to your business page.

Lastly, edit your featured image to show an image of your swipe files or freebie. In the description of the image, add the URL.

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That’s it! This should get you compeletly optimized for facebook. I hope this helps you design your facebook page. You can visit my Facebook page to see exactly how I have mine. Do you have any other questions or tips you have learned yourself? If so, comment below!




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